Thursday, July 1, 2010

Can't we all just get a longboard?

Despite all of man’s flaws there are but two types of people: Those who enjoy soccer, and those who do not. I am common American: I don't understand the fantastic admiration of soccer, the game, the players, the hype. Actually, the same divide or separation criterion exists elsewhere of course. For instance, people who don’t enjoy Frank Zappa or Thelonlious Monk. Or Salvador Dali. And of course: The Surfer and Non Surfer—souls who have never ridden a single fin or never enjoyed an evening session waiting for one last wave before the sun lazily slumbers into the pillowy horizon.
Then there’s the soccer fan. Although the soccer fan is crazy. He is not completely crazy. That distinction is reserved for Los Angeles Lakers’ fans who, when in the NBA finals,  attach purple and gold flags to their cars and then burn their cars when their team wins.