Saturday, April 29, 2017

The fly in the plane

Insects don't seem to be concerned about where they are: they only require an environmental ambience.
A moth that flutters in  through the open window of a  28th floor condo is so consumed by the pursuit of an illuminated light bulb, that it has no regard for any long range plans. That moth will fly erratically as it easily dodges  attempts from you to swat at it,  eluding capture,  perhaps to be released back outside.

Suppose you  miss and you tip over the glass of red wine, spilling on the carpet. The moth will advance  to the consumption of the light, which he thought was just beyond the branches of the monkey pod tree. There is probably  very little chance of escaping  your condo to breed, which is the long range plan

A fly boarded the plane with Mr Trex and me today. I don't really think that it cares where it is.
When we land and the fly escapes, it will have no recollection of where it spent its maggot hood.
Wherever, it will be the same: a tuna salad, a pile of dog crap, a melting ice cream sandwich

Sunday, April 23, 2017

This is Mr Trex, he sat next to me when I flew to PDX. He could not eat his meal, arms too short, see? I was able to get him a can of ensure and a straw, he was grateful. He invited me to meet his wife and kids