Friday, March 27, 2020

He has a hunch

It's ok , you can shake my hand, I can't touch my face or any other body parts, I can scratch my elbows tho. What's going on? I heard that the Bailout Industry is asking your people for more money

 Who is this bozo?
 Mind bending, truth twisting.  A continuously agitated display of buffoonery.    Ridiculous boasts, mind twisting claims of greatness, attacks and mockery of citizens, congressional personnel, scientific professionals,  highly honored individuals,  pettiness  and peevishness. He is obsessed with ratings rather than the goodwill of the country for which he leads with a boiling cesspool of poor information and alternative realities.

 ‘ I have a hunch......’.  He is compulsive. He lacks empathy, is self-congratulatory , with a narcissistic hunger for adoration. A ‘war time president’? Give us a break, he is  more like a sun king.

 His xenophobia is the sine qua non of his political bests.  Easier to steer the ship when the sailing is smooth,  perhaps a few tweaks here and there to keep the tassels a fluttering properly. Your ship is lost at sea with an incapable helmsman. Individuals reveal themselves in times of crisis:

This bozo has revealed himself from the days of the New York Posts ’Page 6’ pageantry of the Donald’s whoredum of a world.  Infantile,  short tempered, so boorish and  predicable , so thin skinned , so deplorable.  An ill informed populist, demagogue. The favorable optics of his pathway are as superficial as his defunct university,  are as misguided as was the sloganeering banner of the stupid TV show. The American exceptionalism that he touts appeals all too well to his simpleminded view of complex situations.  He has promoted his very own version of political distancing.

I have a hunch too